Everything You Need To Know About Morphine Addiction

Morphine Addiction

Given its potential for addiction and abuse, morphine is only available via prescription. As a potent analgesic, Morphine is a controlled Schedule II substance. The classification indicates the strong likelihood that the drug will lead to drug abuse and dependency for the individual. 

The drug is derived from the Greek God of dreams, Morpheus, and is taken from the opium poppy plant. The name reflects the drug’s general effects, including pain relief, sedation, and euphoria, among other effects on the body and mind. As a drug used to treat extreme pain, it is highly effective, which makes it addictive and likely to be misused.

Although morphine may remain in blood, urine, and hair for months, withdrawal starts sooner. Acute withdrawal can emerge as soon as six hours and up to 72 hours (depending on the release) after the last dose. The short morphine half-life, combined with how it functions in the body, makes it highly addictive. While the addictive nature of Morphine is clear, here’s everything else to know about Morphine addiction. 

How Morphine Works 

Morphine also influences one’s mood and reward processing. Chemicals are released throughout the body, which send pain signals to the brain and the spinal cord. Morphine binds to mu-opioid receptors, which have the primary role of regulating pain in the body. 

Once bound, pain intensity reduces, leading to feelings of relief and euphoria. The length of time that it lasts in the system varies, but the terminal morphine half life is around two to four hours. There are reports of morphine half-life outcomes of approximately fifteen to forty-eight hours. 

A Short Morphine Half-life And Withdrawal 

Since Morphine is so addictive, it is used only in cases of extreme pain, such as for patients recovering from surgery, cancer, and other serious conditions. Morphine abuse is more than likely to occur when it is not used as prescribed. In high doses, morphine abuse can be fatal, especially when taken with depressants like benzodiazepines and alcohol. 

Since the morphine half-life is short-lived, it is easy for those taking the medication to begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms that lead to the addictive need to continue using. When misused, morphine can cause dependence and drug tolerance, and addiction. It can also lead to respiratory depression, which can be fatal. 

How Long It Stays In The Body 

The accumulation of morphine within the system can influence the morphine half-life or the amount of time it takes to leave the system. The amount of time that morphine lasts in one’s system varies depending on the dosage, how often it is used, age, weight, kidney and liver function, and metabolism. 

Why Morphine Addiction Occurs

There are various reasons why morphine addiction occurs. For some, it begins with a prescription for pain management that develops into dependence and addiction. For others, genetics, mental health issues, and biosocial factors influence addiction. 

Get Help Right Away 

If you’re struggling with morphine addiction, you’re not alone. Contact a detox center to start your recovery and restore your health.

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